About this program

My name is Kay Wyatt and I'm a retired seismologist/geophysicist.  I live on the Oregon Coast because I believe it is the most beautiful place in the United States.  But I'm keenly aware of the impact that a mega earthquake and tsunami will cause to our coastal communities.  So I've done what I can to prepare and am spending much of my retirement helping others to prepare. 

This website showcases a collection of activities and videos that I have prepared and which I make available at no charge to teachers in Lincoln County Oregon.  For those of us who were richly blessed in our lives, I believe it is important for us to give back to our communities.  This is my way of doing so.

I'm grateful to many who have contributed to these resources.  Although I developed many of the activites myself, I unabashedly borrowed from some of the most wonderful scientists and educators in the world. 

First and foremost is my mentor, John Lahr, who inspired me in many ways

The IRIS Seismographs in Schools Program, particularly John Taber, Tammy Bravo and Michael Hubenthal

Jenda Johnson for her awesome videos

Larry Braile and his amazing earth science education resources

The TOTLE program (Teachers on the Leading Edge)

And last but not least, I must thank the Lincoln County School District for their part in the creation of the video episodes 1 through 18 showcased in this website.  And particularly, its Safety Coordinator, Sue Graves , who is a nationally recognized expert in making sure that our children are safe, even in the midst of earthquakes and tsunamis!



For information about this website, contact kwyatt@geocouple.com

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